Saturday, December 6, 2008


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Face Reading, Person logy, or Physiognomy is the determination of one's personality from the structure of one's face.

The hair, the forehead, the eyes, the eyebrows, the nose, the mouth, the chin, the ears, and the cheeks form the basis of face reading.
In having to make compatibility assessments it is essential to consider many of the aspects that are expressed in a facial structure and can be determined by an in-depth face reading.
If you are trying to make a quick decision as to whether someone is right for you or not, then face shape compatibility analysis might be just the trick. This analysis could also point out some aspects of which to be wary if you are starting into a relationship with someone. However, if you are in a long term relationship with someone, and the face shape compatibility analysis says you are not compatible, don't be too disturbed. There must be many other characteristics keeping you two together!
Many of the different styles of face reading have radically different interpretations. The face figure given below encompasses one that I have found, and that I think has an interesting perspective.
I have studied interpreted, analyzed faces and have found a good similarity in character with a high acceptance of the individual. I have also related to couples both in union and to be united and given them a great deal of solace with my interpretations.
Your future course may be guided by the analysis and interpretations of a face reader.
Amitabh and Amir conform to the best case studies, read on.

Amitabh:The rounded hairline portrays his sociable nature and the powerful jawline gives him the tenacity to attain high ideals and positions. The jawline is TOO strong and needs to be ‘distracted’ by other more ‘friendly’ features like his eyes, and lips , the french beard since he has worn it has given him the desired break in the jaw line.
His passionate eyes have been used for noble causes rather than simply feathering his own nest. Amitabh has had to combat some of his own emotional demons, but due to his thoroughly practical nature has and will continue to be successful at that.
In relationships these features along with his pugilistic nose indicate battles of will that have been won( during his illnesses).
Amitabh’s been most inventive and clever in his judicial combination of career and humanitarianism. He truly epitomizes what a human being is capable of doing - with a great vision and hard work. His vertical face shows his strong desire to materialize the larger than life dreams for the world.

Amir Khan: is certainly not all he appears to be as seen in his complex and unusual looking face. Amir’s impish face beautifully blends animal magnetism and intelligence of a high order and a zest for life that may ultimately prove his undoing. This is seen by the very strong creases on his forehead. Amir’s dramatic nature and love of humour and dry sarcasm can be seen in his highly arched and wedged eyebrows.
Amir has an enormous sexual drive and this will not abate even into old age. How do we know this? Look carefully into his eyes the next time you see him on screen or in an interview. You'll observe a rather lively look.

The single crease at the end of Amir’s nose indicates that he is not at all easy to live with.

Nilesh D Mathrani has been reading faces for the last many years.
Call 09425007794 for an appointment,